Contact with me

If you want to ask me ->
And also if you want yo have any of these photos by my own email right up there they are for FREE, you only have just to ask me. You´ll get them whitout watermark.
On instagram -> @v.ijurko

jueves, 29 de diciembre de 2016

Pieces of Armentia II

Armentia's Forest (Google maps)

This is the place with more magic for me in Vitoria. Near the village called same. The photos of me have been taken by my friend Jaime Venegas (Instagram).

domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2016

Lords of the underground

Ruined fabrik (Google maps)

This is Ivan, a friend since so many years. It's an beginner in filming and photography as me and in 2014 we did this repor near Gamarra in Vitoria in an old ruined fabric very popular between photographers in past years. At the moment it's closed to public but you know, fences are easy to jump. Enjoy!

Este es Ivan, un amigo desde hace unos cuantos años. Es un principiante filmando y haciendo fotos como yo y en 2014 hicimos este repor cerca de Gamarra en Vitoria en una vieja fabrica ruinosa muy popular entre los fotógrafos hace unos años. Ahora mismo está cerrada al publico, pero ya sabéis una valla es muy fácil de saltar. Enjoy!

miércoles, 2 de noviembre de 2016

Morning in Urkiola / Mañana en Urkiola

Villareal (On Google Maps)

Here you have my first report of portraits of my little girlfriend. I hope you enjoy it so leave a comment if you want.

Aquí tenéis mi primer reportaje de retratos de mi querida novia. Espero que os guste y en tal caso, dejad un comentario.

My clothes, your photo


Stay clear

Revenantcy vs. humans

Fish-eye pinewood & pumpkin 

Touch the tops





Árbol, tú, árbol

The road

Flow with the wind

From the top


jueves, 27 de octubre de 2016

Pieces of Argentna III - Iguazú

Iguazú (On Google Maps)

Here you have the last port of my report of Argentina, hope you have enjoyed it a lot and only to tell you that I´ll be for a time without posting new things because my camera died here because of the water. So enjoy!



Pasarela al borde



The mist

Fish-eye waterfall



Boiling water

The butterfly

Humming bird

Stoped humming bird

Flying parrot

Flying parrot II


Pavos reales



Little parrot

Other little parrot


The bird by Victor Hitchcock 

Toucan II
